Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Review: Delicatoboll


I was at Ikea yesterday and, of course, stopped by the Sweden shop on my way out. Their Swedish food shop offers a surprising amount of vegan food, but I always assumed the pastries to be not-vegan. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I found out about their Delicatobolls but they weren't in stock during my last Ikea visit. Seems like I was in luck yesterday, because I was finally able to buy a box!

You get 6 Delicatoboll (they're known as Chokladboll in Sweden) per box. They're larger than chocolate truffles, but smaller than, say, a scoop of ice cream. The pastries are traditionally made out of cocoa, oatmeal, sugar, coffee, fat and coconut flakes. I was super excited about these and tore the package open to try one as soon as I got home. I had a busy day and should have known better than to try one on an empty stomach because I felt rather sick after eating one. They're not bad at all, just very very rich (read: fatty) and sweet. They mostly taste like sugar and cocoa with a faint coffee aroma, I was a little disappointed about the lack of oat flavour.


Would I buy them again? Probably. But I wouldn't drive all the way to Ikea just to buy them. I mean, they're good and all, but they could be a lot better. You're probably better off with a home made version.


  1. Oh, this is my field! Delicato is actually a brand, which makes pastries and are most famous for the chocolate ball. It's very wide spread so as vegan in Sweden you'll get used to it pretty quickly. And yes, it's very fatty and sweet, but I like it! It's even more so since there's no visible oats in it, as it usually are if you make it yourself. Happy you got to try it!

  2. @Fanny: Awesome, thanks for sharing that information with me! I'd like to attempt a home made version for christmas season, maybe something with more oats and less fat/sugar. :)

  3. I haven't seen these in the Ikea stores int he U.K, but I will keep an eye out for them now. Thanks for sharing. I like trying sweet things.

  4. Oh they are vegan!
    I think they are quite okay. Nothing special, even though I usually love cocoa chocolate combinations.

  5. Ohmygosh...can I just say that I love you for commenting on my blog?? haha!! I don't know why it is so hard for me to post everyday... I know if I can just get into a frequent routine, I won't have month-long, gaping holes of sporadic entries.

    Geesh.. I'm already a little behind.

    I think you could create a far better version of the Delicatoboll!! They look a little too sweet for my taste, but one that is filled with oatty goodness?? Mmmm...

    ps-you get an A+ on your pics! They look great :)

  6. Delicatoboll - this is a classic in Sweden and sometimes a craving does kick in for me. You should always have them with a cup of coffee though, they would be too sweet to enjoy with a glass of water or a soda. But with coffee.. MMMMMMM heaven!

  7. I'm from Sweden, and I agree with you! I don't really like those, home made is always better:)
