Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The End of Vegan MoFo 2010

The End of Vegan Mofo, Mosaic

Ah, so this is it then. One month of blogging, over 700 participants from around the world and a whole lot of good vegan food! Well, it's been a blast. High five everyone, well done! *highfive*

I am so happy to have been part of this fun adventure and can not wait to make all of the great recipes I have found over the course of the last four weeks. Blogging every day was incredibly challenging for a blogging newbie like me, but I am glad I stuck with it and I hope some of you enjoyed what I have blogged about. I discovered a plethora of awesome blogs and people through Vegan Mofo and yes, I actually am excited for next year! Ha!

So thank you to all those of you who stopped by to read my blog, your comments provided a great deal of encouragement to me and kept me going! I will take a brief leave from the blogging world to replenish my energy (hello mofo burn-out!) , but I'll be back in a week or two, ready to start baking for the holidays. :)

x Julia


  1. Well done for all the MoFo'ing, I'm happy I found your blog.

  2. Wie bekommst du es eigentlich hin, dass deine Bilder alle so schön hell und freundlich sind? Leuchtest du aus oder ist dein Objektiv einfach viel besser als meines? ;-)

  3. Your blog is lovely. Looking forward to reading more when you've had a rest! Think I need one too!

  4. Woot! You rocked MoFo & I enjoyed your posts. Now rest up, then back with more goodness, K?

  5. Well done for completing MoFo! I have really enjoyed your posts, your pictures are beautiful.

    I'm really glad I found your blog :D

  6. @Birdie: Mmmh, das kommt auf die Konditionen an. Im Sommer ist es kaum ein Problem, aber jetzt haben wir hier ständig grauen Himmel und gegen 16 Uhr ist es manchmal schon zappenduster. Wenn ich die Zeit habe, fotografiere ich im manuellen Modus. Ansonsten arbeite ich mit Lightroom und/oder Adobe CS4. Ich fotografiere viel mit einer 50mm Linse (1.8er von Canon), die ist schneller als mein anderes Objektiv.. Das hilft schon ungemein. Wenn die Schatten ganz bös sind, nehme ich mir etwas Papier aus dem Drucker und nutze das um etwas Licht aufs 'Model' zu reflektieren! :)

  7. Oh nooooo! I loved your posts! Don't stop posting daily! I need my food porns!

  8. I look forward to your holiday baking!

  9. Enjoy your rest, you did an amazing job! I really like your blog, and the photos are pretty.

  10. Hey, I kinda missed the whole MoFo, but reviewing the month I came across your blog. Great stuff, I'm especially excited about the Kombucha. I've become a recent fan, though I haven't tried any homemade.

  11. Cassie - It's the opposite with me, I haven't tried the store-bought stuff. I'm really curious about it though, I wonder if it tastes similar to how my home-made tea tastes?! :)
